Invitation to a
Capitalism collapse and determine what will happen today if fascism or socialism
When narrowing the sources of materials
all share a portion and the art alone or neocruzados
rush to reap the poor
Global capitalism is facing a financial crisis, food, energy, climate, extremely serious. Closures, bank failures, millions of unemployed, epidemics, social violence, lawlessness politics, international conflict, mass migration, could start the process of finalizing the system. But it may be overcome as others that may follow.
some unresolved crisis is the scarcity and depletion of natural resources.
extraction on the environment has limits, and now science and technology can not produce materials to sustain economic growth over the hundreds of millions of years that man could live (1).
Many economists expect that despite occasional downturns in the global economy will grow by 3% annually during the century which means doubling the economic activity every 23 years. By 2100, world consumption would rise by 1600%, 3200% to 2115 for a 6400% 2138. As resources are finite, this is impossible (2). At current rates of extraction of copper last 200 years, oil will run out in the coming decades, rare minerals, such as indium, terbium, gallium, are to disappear in 5.10, 15 (3). Water is scarce. For lack of arable land are felled forests. The fifth of seven million square kilometers of the Amazon has run out of trees for soy, sugar, wood, and follow the trend "will only forests in fifty years" (4). According to the UN in 2050 the population will be 9 billion to provide extra grain to the number of people will be planted on land used for livestock production decline (5). When fishing for a third of species of fish and seafood in the world has gone to 90% of specimens and by Canadian biologists before 2050 will total collapse in the fishery for all species (6).
The multiplicity of species is declining dangerously, the stocks of nearly 1,700 vertebrates worldwide declined in the last 35 years nearly a third. The main culprits of this situation are the high consumption of resources, deforestation, climate change, environmental pollution and overfishing (7). According to the "Living Planet Report 2008" foundation of nature conservation (WWF), the Zoological Society of London and the Global Footprint Network, the exploitation of the Earth is heightened dramatically. The planet can provide only a third of the demands for natural resources, which are depleting faster and faster. The report said that by mid-2030 would need two planets to maintain our lifestyle, "covering the global demand for food, energy and surface. In this reality the free will of entrepreneurs to exploit the environment, or capitalism, it will be impossible. Once
liberalism is not feasible for inability to extract resources freely, necessarily must organize a sustainable global civilization planned economy to ration resources and birth control. The start time of sharp decrease in production of goods that some associate with the word barbaric. Nothing completely new if you think objectively that there was a prehistory, mean age, a modern time and current living conditions of thousands of millions of people in the third world.
new order in the planned reduction will be possible two opposing social forms with roots in history: the fascist and socialist egalitarian caste. Something like the distant scarcity of goods that are differentiated in prehistory and ancient slave solidarity.
During the transition from capitalism to the new civilization will still be around advanced means for establishing the global dominance of these alternatives. Otherwise it is possible that both forms are given in parallel in different regions. The struggle between two forces in any case be inevitable.
fascist policy. The vanishing middle class interested in the disappearance of billions of people who use and possession of the resources still usable, reaches over the planet and allows the survival of a caste poor for service. As results achieved and privileged power consumption within the involuted economy.
In the transition to the new civilization class in the power of the developed capitalist countries have the political, military, scientific, technological and media power to impose its model of replacement. Is prepared historically. His experience abounds in wars of conquest, genocide, theft, greed operations that their secular and religious doctrines justified. Native American invasion meant the theft of an enormous wealth of land and precious metals, only between 1503 and 1660 arrived at Sanlucar de Barrameda 185 000 kg of gold and 16 million kg of silver (8), addition to the genocide of 90-95% of the original population (9). The Hutu-Tutsi conflict in Rwanda in 1994, where 800 000 people were killed in 3 months, attended by economic interests France, Belgium, United Kingdom and United States (10).
In a paper by George Kennan, a U.S. government consultant, we can infer the direction of the fascist plan for the future: "We have about 50% of the world's wealth but only 6.3% of the population .. . In this situation, we can not be the object of envy and resentment. Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which permit us to maintain this position of disparity ... to do so we must get rid of all sentimentality and daydreaming stop, and our attention will be concentrated everywhere on our immediate national objectives ... We should stop talking about vague goals e. .. unrealistic such as human rights, higher living standards, and democratization. Is not far off day when we will have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are entering the idealistic slogans, the better. "(11) The invasion of Iraq was to seize its oil and the Senate of Brazil claims a relationship between the discovery of large oil reserves in its territory and the restoration of the fourth U.S. fleet United Latin America. On this square the Argentine newspaper Clarin important question: "What reason could the United States have to send a powerful naval force to a region in peace, without nuclear power, no real military conflicts or threats?". And a security specialist says, "They'll never admit that it is for natural resources, but it is no coincidence that this decision comes when you start a structural change in the global economy in which reserves of fresh water, food and energy resources are positioned as an important strategic value "(12).
socialist policy. Once you have felt Fascist violence during the crisis, socialist parties and movements, environmentalists, religious, progressive, given the commitment and strength of the most exploited and media sectors. Then establish a global government supportive care of existing resources and the protection of nature and mankind. Its democratic power, having overthrown essentially peaceful classism, faces a shortage of goods to meet basic needs through equal consumption. Same time encourages the development of personal and group happiness through intangible social goods such as security, sociability, education, thought, creation, recreation, sport.
civilization during the transition sectors leading this program have scientific, technological and management and with the contributions, among others, the Marxist doctrines, ecology, theology of liberation. You can make use of the experience of socialism failed in the twentieth century and the successes of the Cuban revolution.
The Cuban system can be taken as a sign of the post-capitalist alternative. Under conditions of nearly 50 years of attacks and blocking U.S. has achieved major successes being a society of low material consumption. The state has a social safety net for basic food housing, health, education, sports. According to WWF is the only country with sustainable development and the Human Development Index of the UN than countries like Brazil, Mexico, India, China, Russia. The infant mortality rate compares favorably with the U.S. life expectancy rises to 74, the prevention and treatment of AIDS are among the best in the world. Their education is the more upscale among developing countries and is accompanied by an outstanding scientific level. As an expression of global solidarity, thousands of Cubans fought against apartheid South Africa and 14 000 doctors work in poor regions of Latin America and Africa (13).
The inevitable opposition and struggle of both models is made in the present. NATO was discussed in the report "Towards a Grand Strategy for an Unstable World" written by senior military leaders, which was justified, inter alia, that "Climate change condition gigantic social upheaval, particularly related to transfers of population" . The paper proposes an integrated directory for the United States, European Union and NATO with the long-term effort to proactively defend their society, their way of life, economic liberalism, its stability. As a means of action deemed reasonable use of nuclear weapons and military interventions in countries with coordinated campaigns. This plan has been interpreted as the preparation of a fascist world super-government to ensure the dominance of multinational military and maintain the gap between rich and poor, the demonstration that capitalism needs NATO to impose a global level (14). Class is a political response in order to anticipate future crises.
Progressivism has opposed the mission, progress in the development of political, technological and management for the new civilization. Disclose on the population to be an end of capitalism, the alternative at that time and what changes made from sustainable socialism favor today. Explain concepts such as consumerism, ongoing development, finite resources, fascism, genocide, sustainability, decrease, rationing basic goods, planning, solidarity. Warning to opt for socialism and solidarity means rejecting the dominant consumer model advertised.
forces for socialism should seek to become the government for a sustainable and supportive program focused on the reduction of irrational consumption, the end of poverty, access to essential goods and services, safety, enjoyment of culture and recreation. Working aware that it will be difficult advance a social base that has embraced the ideal of capitalist consumerism and in conflict with leftist parties together for electoral interests to the demands and offers which implicitly depend on continued economic growth.
also need to be discussed, along with its crises and responses, after capitalism, and apply the findings to the dissemination and freedom of action to individuals, social movements, unions, political parties. Experiences should be shared.
have to visualize and prepare for the future now. The blog published Mal pledges to continue this line.
References (1)
(2) George Monbiot:
(3) David Cohen: -that-estn-punto.html
(4) Ariovaldo Umbelino de Oliveira:
(5) George Monbiot: . php? id = 66362
(8) consists in Archive de Indias. Luis Britto GarcĂa:
(9) In 2006 the American scholar Thomas Mann felt that this occurred in the first 130 years of European settlement and was the why the European powers had to hijack millions of men and women in Africa, to take them as slaves to America and labor to replace deceased Indian. C3% B3n_europea_de_Am% C3% A9rica # Masacre_y_enfermedades
(10) Carlos Machado:
(11 ) George Kennan on "Policy Planning Study 23," prepared for the State Department in 1948. Cited in Noam Chomsky "What Uncle Sam Really Wants," p. 11.
(12) Reflections of Fidel Castro:
(13) James Petras, Capitalism versus socialism: The great debate revisited:
Antonio Broto:
(14) Claude Nicolet, A Western empire-minded Terminator:,
Michel Collon, what will tomorrow's policy U.S. international?:
Invitation to a discussion (Part II) *
Socialism will
global alternative in the future
Now we must build a counter
Socialism is not a feasible alternative today. No government can become and the worse is that neither the Socialists are fueling a future program to address the serious crisis that approach and will put an end to capitalism.
Socialism must be planning policy solidarity and sustainable for when the conditions in which most of humanity needed as an alternative anti-fascist and builder of a new civilization.
His task for the government of the bourgeoisie will explain the future, his proposal and fight from the social base for objectives consequential regardless of capitalist disputes between conservatives and progressives. Analysis
1 Current Socialism does not arise from the situation to be in the next crisis.
It focuses on issues and demands of the last century and this needs a capitalism that implicitly assumes the owner of a growing economy without limit.
2 The problems that affect humanity are so serious that it is irrational that the socialist program does not consider them.
financial crises, food, energy, climate, population, natural resource depletion, poverty, unemployment, can threaten the conservation of the human species.
3 In contrast, aware of the impossibility of their system over time, the global capitalist corporate fascist civilization prepared to maintain their privileges. This is indicated by the objectives attributed to the Bilderberg group, a global government, zero economic growth, elimination of the population, only two classes, rulers and servants.
4 The general population is modeled world of consumerism and life learned that socialism could never put it into practice. The employers have imposed their propaganda network individualism indifferent to the ecological rationality, solidarity, equality.
As a result, to be opportunistic socialist government have had to adopt the social democratic capitalism. And true anti-imperialist
socialism to gain popular support progressive practice capitalism. In Chavez's Venezuela's private economy has grown and supporters of his government calling for the control of car prices, arguing that they are necessities. In Bolivia, the poor increased in the government of Evo Morales.
Cuba socialist but it is actually born in another world, despite its great achievements can return to capitalism as Fidel.
5 During the crises of the future will be the conditions for world socialism.
Most of humanity at bay only by lack vital and genocidal aggression estimate corporate socialism. The only alternative for the poor and middle classes of ethical solidarity.
Only then will you understand the need for a global government, social property, the planned economy sustainable for life and nature, egalitarian solidarity consumption.
will not soon endorsed the socialist goal of achieving happiness through personal and group of intangible assets as security, sociability, education, thought, creation, recreation, sport.
6 Current Socialism does not advance, nor does become the government, nor forward in the dissemination and support of a new civilization decline inevitable as science and technology available.
His duty is to dare to be a socialist without worrying about electoral results or lead to unsustainable consumption opportunistic requests with limited resources.
7 socialism with democratic participation must define its future program and further develop the political, and management techniques to do so.
should disseminate your project and explain that at the critical moment universal capitalists resort to genocidal violence solution to form a post-capitalist society of castes.
must encourage, support and guide struggles of people demanding to be covered in their program accomplishments. On the contrary should not participate even unpopular or destructive consumerist social demands of the environment.
In the course of this development has to be creating an organization of members of popular and middle classes and professionals.
8 To the extent that socialism gains strength may make agreements with parties capitalist process forward towards the goals of your program.
To ensure not diverted to social democracy in such partnerships should not obscure their future program and must demonstrate that the agreements reduce the power of capitalism and consumerism, to improve income distribution, the treatment of the environment, sustainability ; that increase solidarity.
Today it is necessary to free and active linkage of those who are for this socialism for the future.
Socialism must present itself as what it is: socialism