Sunday, May 8, 2011
Texting A Scorpio Guy
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Number 19 of 2011
Index: Editorial
comments brief and free words
Index Crimes NATO, its member states and their rulers
Alejandro Teitelbaum
Questions "Hamas-Fatah reconciliation" Ali Abunimah
who was burned you, President Chavez Juan Carlos Vallejo
The statement that house Arab and Muslim house of the U.S. has never been published on Osama Bin Laden
Mal Documents published:
-Invitation to a discussion
Capitalism collapse and determine what will happen today if fascism or socialism published Mal
-Invitation to a discussion (Part II) *
The alternative is socialism in the future global public bad
To understand the crimes of the ruling government should know that they are Nazis without führer or
torches of the world's powerful Democrats are not smart Nazis have the ethics of the generality of human beings. When they spread their crimes should not be accused of contradicting his statements, but reveal their true mechanisms of the will.
gave the order to kill Gaddafi and the whole family to join him at the time they launched the missile hit the house of his youngest son who died along with three grandchildren.
distorts the decisions of the United Nations. British Prime Minister said that to bomb a particular house complies with the mandate of Resolution 1973 of the Security Council.
legalizing torture as a tool of the state.
violate the sovereignty of countries. U.S. troops entered Pakistan without the knowledge of government and killed residents of a home. Ordered
executing people outside the law. Osama bin Laden executed. They can stop
bodies. The body of Ben Laden is missing.
invent data to justify invasion. Invaded Iraq using the lie that had weapons of mass destruction.
devastating attack countries with life and property. In Iraq left nearly a million dead and destroyed infrastructure.
was violently seize foreign assets. With war took control of Iraqi oil. Now try it in Libya.
deceive world public opinion by media companies.
people jailed indefinitely without charges, trial, lawyers. In Guantanamo they do with people for years.
Create secret prisons in different parts of the world.
establish that a person who resists can be gunned down unarmed.
profit Establish mechanisms causing hunger and death of millions of people.
poor states are obligated to carry out liberal policies that they do not follow.
pollute the environment of sovereign peoples.
deposited waste in poor countries.
destroy the climate of sovereign peoples.
organize and maintain criminal dictatorships.
shot down constitutional government funding subversive groups.
created, funded and protected terrorist organizations. The man who bombed and killed seventy-three passengers of an airliner living under state protection.
sentenced to life imprisonment for people who prevent terrorist acts.
attack and kill passengers on a ship in international waters.
Roen and dismember the territory recognized by the United Nations to a country.
Honored as fighters for political peace to criminal conduct.
To clarify the characters of Western power Democrats are Nazis, better to say no respect for human rights is to show that their ideology as legitimate and natural destruction of individuals and peoples.
Nazis only Democrats have been able to launch two atomic bombs on two cities, killing over two hundred thousand men, women and children in a second. They can not repent because they are ashamed or so. It is your will.
Brief and commentary
** According to the official, the leader of Al Qaeda was not armed, but was killed because he resisted, said yesterday Jay Carney, a spokesman for the White House. "The resistance does not require a firearm," the spokesman for Barack Obama. The Nacion.cl (sentenced to death without trial.)
** Osama bin Laden was wanted "dead or alive" and his head was worth $ 25 million, but the truth is that his death allowed the U.S. avoid a legal process of high tension, which could encourage Al Qaeda and cause serious problems for President Barack Obama. "If it had been captured, trial and imprisonment could have been transformed into a circus," he told France Presse Andrew Exum, a former soldier and member of a tank on U.S. policy on security. Mercury
** British Prime Minister, David Cameron, said today that the choice of targets in Libya by the NATO military officials meet the mandate of resolution 1973 Security Council United Nations, referring to information about an air strike on Tripoli last night cause that caused the death of a leader's son Libyan Colonel Gaddafi, and three grandchildren. Cubadebate (The death of the whole family Gaddafi be in the resolution of the Security Council)
** The death of Qaddafi Saif al Arab is a likely consequence of the increasingly aggressive tactics of NATO, adopted by the alliance to give a Toss in a conflict in a stalemate. But in an airstrike killing the son of Libyan leader is a serious strategic mistake: military insignificant but diplomatically disastrous. BBC
** The Swedish Foreign Ministry "has asked Venezuela explanations of why the Swedish authorities were not informed when a Swedish citizen arrested and extradited him to Colombia," said Swedish foreign ministry spokesman, Matt Zetterman. Telesur
** The chancellor described as blackmail Matute ultraleftists the protest delivered to Colombia by the journalist Pérez Becerra. **
Telesur Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez was responsible for the deportation of Joaquín Pérez Becerra to the Government of Colombia, to criticisms from various sectors radicals who defended the work of the detainee. The suspect that the arrested leader was the victim of a trap for "putting a knife to Chavez."
Chavez said that these allegations as they generate is disunity parties and sectors that support the Revolution. ... The head of state explained that "once captured in Maiquetía what do I do? The only option I had was to comply with international commitments of Venezuela, more than anything, I'm not saying if he is innocent or guilty, those who want to criticize me, who wants to burn critíquenme, quémenme but that everyone take responsibility, with maturity. " Telesur
** "We swallowed the old politics; us down the corruption of politics. We destroy those old capitalist values, small traders who infiltrated on all sides and are infiltrated our party. "Do not listen to the siren call of corruption and if necessary make Ulysses, and amárrense. And if they can, and let the boat Launch yourself at the helm. "" Look what happened to the great Russian revolution, then Soviet, end in nothing. They forgot the principles, politics was corrupt. " (Remarks by Commander Hugo Chávez to the regional teams PSUV, April 17, 2011, prior to his trip to Argentina), Narciso Isa Conde, Argenpress
** The National Resistance Front People of Honduras (FNRP) today approved the mediation of the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, to find the solution to the political crisis in Honduras. Cubadebate
** In the wars of energy to the water wars, the twenty-first century will witness a fierce fight for the world's remaining natural resources. This chess board is global. The stakes are enormous. Most battles will be invisible. All will be crucial ... So it's no wonder that China Military newspaper published by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Chinese, and some sectors of academia, and openly claim that China should abandon the policy Low profile taken from the time of Deng Xiaoping and bet on a larger army, able to defend its strategic interests around the world (assets totaling more than $ 1.2 billion). Pepe Escobar, Cubadebate
** Peru: President Garcia says Humala changed their proposals. ** The
Nacion.cl President Evo Morales addressed the case of his former aide and former drug czar Bolivia, René Sanabria, who was arrested on drug charges last February in Panama, after a joint investigation between the DEA and the OS -7 police station, held in Arica, known investigation was not in La Paz. Asked if he believes that there was "unfairness" of the Chilean government by failing to inform about this case Bolivia, Morales said that "there were disloyal."
In an interview ... Morales also took the decision to maritime claim against Chile to international tribunals. Asked if he would have been better to wait to see if the Chilean government gave a concrete offer, Morales said that "development was slow." "The first year would have you believe, make you dream. Then, during the first term we have believed, but if we keep waiting, as you suggest, the time is gone, "he added. "You speak well. 'It may be an enclave here, it may be in here. " But in the presidential meeting Foz de Iguazu, we seriously with Foreign Minister (David) Choquehuanca have an official answer on where the solution would arise, since each meeting, we mentioned that it was an informal meeting, "he said. "The most that we started there was to achieve a permanent high-level mechanism at the head of the foreign ministers. Thus came the first emergency meeting in Chile. Every hour, every two hours I reported from Santiago: 'Here we are stuck. " Until our Foreign Minister told me: 'I think there will be nothing. " Then in the meeting here (February 2011), although the press fairly valued the meeting, It was actually a failure. That was the last, was the straw that broke the camel, "the president of La Paz. In this context, Morales said, "I knew it, so last year had raised the vice president, ministers, which by 23 March had to give an ultimatum to Chile." The Bolivian president also said he had "differences" about the progress made with the former President Michelle Bachelet and Sebastián Piñera. "With Bachelet, the first time, we have made 12 of 13 points, leaving only the subject Tues About Silala have come a long way with President Bachelet and were about to sign the first part, " said. ** The Third
international NGO opposes beatification of John Paul II for his "cover-up of pedophiles" The Counter
** Obama Security Advisory: It is "inconceivable" that Bin Laden had no support in Pakistan. ** The Third
justified giving U.S. destination to the dead leader of al Qaeda. José Miguel Insulza: "It seems reasonable if Osama pulled the body of the sea." The Counter
** "Pakistan expresses its deep concern and reservations about the way in which the U.S. government carried out this operation without information and prior consent of the Pakistani government," a ministry statement. The attack ordered by the U.S. President, Barack Obama, "undermine the cooperation and sometimes pose a threat to international peace and security," the text [of Chancery]. Telesur
** [... Piñera did not address the explanation that since the early hours of yesterday, had given Peru, to say that the agreement reached with Ecuador "strengthened" not to Santiago, but Lima's position at The Hague. As explained by the Peruvian Foreign Minister Jose Antonio Garcia Belaunde, he and his Ecuadorian counterpart, Ricardo Patiño, had signed the previous day diplomatic notes "Identical" that constituted "the first Maritime Agreement is Peru." By making this covenant, "the minister added Lima, was ratified the agreements of 1952 and 1954 are only fishing and non-border instruments. He added that Alan Garcia will travel to Quito May 20, invited by Correa. ** The Third
death attacks, unique and selective, are part of the new model developed to eliminate the enemies of Washington. And according to the new scheme, Ayman al Zawahiri and the head of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb would be next on the list. In mid-January, the sources identified and cited to this day signed an order called Executive President Obama would mean, they said, the location and death of the terrorist leaders wherever he found them and at the slightest resistance to being captured to offer. Eduardo Martín de Pozuelo, La Nacion.cl (The U.S. government has always ordered the political assassination, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Gadhafi ...)
** Representatives of the UN Human Rights today called on the U.S. government to disclose information connected with the murder of Osama Bin Laden to determine if international standards were met and if we considered the possibility to capture him alive. ** The Cuba
Nacion.cl sentence of 20 years in prison for corruption Chilean businessman Max Marambio was tried in absentia by the Cuban justice system found him guilty of crimes of "bribery, fraud and falsification of bank or commerce" with "a continuing nature." ** The
Nacion.cl Chilean businessman was sentenced Thursday in absentia to 20 years in prison for fraud, bribery and forgery, described the process as a political persecution at the hands of Raul Castro. Was supported by Marco Enríquez-Ominami. ** The
Nación.cl freed the last two detainees by-case pumps with the decision of the Court of Appeals reversed the remand is for all defendants who were detained in the high security prison in Santiago. The Third
** The contempt of the human condition of the other, typical of the military actions of NATO are not new in the developed Western capitalism, they constitute a permanent feature of the same from its inception. You could start by the first bioweapon (blankets contaminated with smallpox) used by the English against the Delaware Indians in 1763, following the massacres they committed in different continents in the eighteenth and nineteenth century and until today. Alejandro Teitelbaum, Argenpress
** Protesters in Pakistan, Indonesia and Egypt call for holy war against the U.S. About 1,500 Pakistani Islamists have declared Friday in the city of Quetta, capital of Baluchistan against the killing of Osama Bin Laden and predicted that there will be more people like him who declared holy war on U.S.. "Osama Bin Laden is a martyr. Osama's blood will give birth to thousands of Osama, "the protesters shouted while burning U.S. flags, as recorded by Reuters. **
Cubadebate positive effect on the image of U.S. President: Barack Obama's new, strong and energetic leader's risky operation that was killed Osama bin Laden has presented the country with no president's version. Mercury **
Iraqi leader of Al Qaeda killed in fighting in the jail. Abu Huzaifa Al Batawi and 15 others were shot dead after trying to overpower the prison guards in Baghdad. AJ
** The National Electoral Council (CNE) of Ecuador ratified the triumph of the option of "Yes" in the referendum and referendum conducted on Saturday in the South American country. The result provides the necessary constitutional amendments to restructure the judicial system and further strengthen the fight against insecurity. Telesur
** Barack Obama's government demanded Pakistan to reveal the identity of agents in its intelligence service to the suspicion of alleged links with Osama Bin Laden these, died on Sunday, reports The New York today Times. Cubadebate
** Former Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi today called for the resignation of President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, following the death of the leader of Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, at the hands of a U.S. command. This is a gross violation of our sovereignty, so that the President and the Prime Minister and nobody else should resign, said Qureshi, who until last February served as Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic country. PL
** Obama, to military: "We cut off the head of Al Qaeda and we will end up," The President congratulated in person yesterday at the commands that killed man searched the world. Mercury
** The National Transitional Council (CNT) Libyan reported that they are in negotiations with Italy, so that this country provides them with weapons to strengthen the attack against the government of leader Muammar Al Gaddafi. Rome claimed the rebels agreed and that the supply is close to done. Telesur
** Berlusconi Milan prosecutors defined as "cancer" that must be removed. The Italian Premier said that it is in the presence of a "sick democracy, in which leftist prosecutors are challenging the laws they do not like and take them to the Constitutional Court." The Nacion.cl
Ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Articles
The crimes of NATO, its member states and their rulers
Alejandro Teitelbaum
But we will only show that the current aggression against Libya meets regularly employ methods that NATO and, collectively or individually Its main States: Panama (between 1000 and 4000 civilians dead, according to sources) Gulf War (several tens of thousands of civilian deaths), Afghanistan (3700 and in 2001 civilian deaths due to U.S. bombing, 2700 civilian deaths in 2010 and in February 2011, NATO killed in Kunar province 64 civilians, mostly women and children); war Iraq (hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths). Read full
Questions "Hamas-Fatah reconciliation "Ali Abunimah
What does this mean? At this point, neither side has released the text of an agreement, and the Palestinians are indeed entitled to see, and have had several secret agreements and understandings.
come to mind some questions that cause immediate skepticism
Read full
who was burned you, President Chavez Juan Carlos Vallejo
Joaquín Pérez Becerra was not captured either in Sweden or Germany because in both countries know and apply the rules of international law International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. That is, being a political exile could not be arrested for a requirement of the country from which he fled for his life since it was obvious political and vindictive tone of it. For that simple reason, these two countries abstained insurance. Read full
The statement that the House of the Moors and the House of U.S. Muslims have never published on Osama Bin Laden We
Arab and Muslim organizations of the United States. We feel an obligation to explain to our citizens the significance of the death of Osama Bin Laden to U.S. custody.
We learned an important lesson from this history and look to collaborate with the U.S. is immoral and counterproductive effort. Work not exempt from being prosecuted by the U.S. or a "strategy" intelligent. Aligning with powerful empires is absurd and counterproductive. Logic the House of Muslims [House Muslims] (or "House Negroes" as Malcolm X called the traitors of his day) is reckless and stupid. Read full
free words
The dark of Western law enforcement
enter a country illegally shot dead
the head of an unarmed man's body disappear
want to submit to questioning the orphan of 12 years
To kill a ruler
bomb a house and kill his son and three grandchildren:
state which were approved by all nations of the world ocean
In addressing international armed
ship passengers kill eight unarmed
then they will build more houses in the lands of the other stories
lie to invade a territory and hope its oil
life hero who made a bomb that killed 73 passengers of a plane
and imprisoned for life to 5 or even hurt someone
time ago sold drugs and allowed to cultivate poppies now
boast not to forget his vengeance
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Cruising Spots Bergen County Nj
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