Tuesday, December 11, 2007

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What is the International Meeting of Dance Contact Improvisation? International Seminar Calendar

From a first glance, the international meeting of Contact Improvisation dance, intended to cause the practice of this dance form. For this work is planned as 40 hours in five days, that is structured as follows:

From Monday 7 to Friday January 11, 2008; daily between 10:00 and 13: 00, will be given a class for all levels
knowledge of this dance form . The class will be guided by Eckhard Müller and Daniel Schwartz, invited German masters.

After a break of 1 hour to resume classes between 14:00 to 17:30 a Chilean teacher, also for all levels. This second class will be conducted by a Chilean maestro different every day (see calendar).

then there will be another break of 1 hour to finish the day with a space for improvisation, practice or jam (see definitions), which runs from 17:30 to 20:00 .

Another look or motivation of this meeting is related precisely to the "meeting", the collection and exchange on Contact dance improvisation, to construct and occupy physical space and subjective, where we practice and explore the movement from the basic principles of this dance form. Dar

more historical background. Perhaps ask the contact as a tool stage, cross the glances between local teachers and guest teachers and perhaps
generate debate, are also expectations that you want to incur the meeting. Will be held a Dance and Video Conference / Chat Historic two instances to articulate conversation and subjectivity around this form of dance.


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