Each day a marathon eight-hour improvisation, free and open Jams, a Historical Talk and Conferences Dance more interesting, artistic, spontaneous and creative ever witnessed.
The classes were conducted by seven guides, from Germany, Argentina and Chile (Valparaiso - Santiago). The invitation was open to teachers, each class would lead to full freedom in what and how to teach; appeared different methodologies, practices, approaches, objectives, content, principles and experiences that undoubtedly did flourish historical reflections on the teaching process CI learning. Contact
What is, is some sort of definition, how material is delivered, what relationship is between teacher and student, there a common methodology, it is necessary the use of touch is essential to improvisation, what are the limits of the IC set of principles that shape it, have any rule or regulation. Endless questions arise which need not necessarily or can be answered by the simple fact of reflexivity on the theme of the meeting is a great achievement.
There are two methodological issues must be recovered within the process, which contributed greatly to forge links between the participants and make a surprisingly rapid process of collective learning. On the one hand the use of the "pool" collective space verbalization post daily classroom experiences, a place of free participation place where feelings, doubts, wishes, comments, complaints, thanks, moods, any word or sound that you want to share with the group. Furthermore, the presence of Jams daily, which allowed assimilate the contents of a fun and unstructured, streamline the process of appropriation of material and time, enabling the release of contact dance, irreverence and irony appears necessary for any improvisation.
shared basic criteria can be distinguished by the seven teachers of the meeting, however, are the differences that become interesting. Every vision of the CI is unique, hybrid training of teachers plasma in each class and the way in which each student plays the material is in turn different. Flexibility is essential at all times, to guide the proposal, the state's own body and the person with whom dialogue is established. Within the infinite shades and proposals of each of the teachers who accompanied us is necessary to thank and trying to capture the essence of each point of view, reveal the focus of each activity, however simple or explicit may seem. Discover what distinguishes while joining in this great week. Cristián
Mirror: Address the information generated at every moment of improvisation, making the gesture and feeling like motion stimuli. Proposed to observe the speech itself corporeality and interpersonal relationship. Set the "vacuum" as the perception of touch absent vacuum to fill-it with the other permanent desire otherness of the body and incompleteness as mobilizing axis of the IC. Contextualize improvisation, spontaneous and fill it with content re-read it from different points of view. Paula
Sacur : Transit agile and fun between principles and contents of CI. Ability to enter the material directly, without preamble or hesitation. Contact as a tool for creating, installing the mounting problem of improvisation, what happens in the body when learning a Contact motor schema, how does re-live the spontaneous event and why it always appears a tendency to development of the phenomenon "dance." There is an aesthetic delight in the perception of the event repeatedly while technical skill involves the mere fact of repetition. Daniela Marini
: Opening sensitive. Expanded perception of the body from its physical layer, bones, organs, fluids, muscles, tissues and skin, to the subtle energy body. Consciousness is expanded beyond the visible boundaries of the skin, the contact is not limited to the touch and the body not only invisible to the eye. Exploring connections body acceptance speech and body; dialogue with oneself, with the other, space and perception.
Rocío Rivera: The body-place. The organism is a known territory, a container and contents. Re-discover the architectural possibilities of the body, explore the inside surface sensing, using touch as a topographical description, reliefs, bass, texture, temperature, form and matter. Make contact from the structural organization, the body proposed routes for the simple fact of having materiality. Journeys into the landscape of the other body. Alejandro Cáceres
: Breathing movement. Connecting systems body in a single dance, build the unity of the subject before finding another. See the inside, needs, opportunities, sounds, rhythms and beats. Experience contact distance, which is the limit of the body, which occupies space and how to bind regardless of touch. Develop body control in moving, managing energy and effort just to avoid impact with the ground or the other. Dialogue between the surfaces, organicity move to increase efficiency of movement. Experience the limits of perception. Daniela Schwartz
: Subtlety and awareness of the contact area. Be thorough and clear with the information generated and capacity building listening to the fullest, to investigate the limits of the organism itself and its limitless possibilities surprised. Create space within the body space, feel the micro mobility and the passage of movement from one place to another, the dissociation and body connection. How to achieve a state of tightness to allow the other to enter and enter my own, be in and out at the same time, empty expectations, no pre-conceived, release the mental intention not to expect results, experience the process and address to this at all times. Eckhard Muller
: Delivery and availability at the meeting. Establish physical connections from the center and toward the center, losing the fear of expansion in the moments uncertainty, confidence in the ability of re-organization of the body. Sense the direction of motion and generate opposition to keep the contact point and weight management center. Use the spiral to tighten against the forces and balance the body, be flexible without losing alignment and set the column shaft as structural support of the motion. Be generous in providing clear information and communicating.
CI This first meeting came about a community, a group of people with a lot of energy to extend the exploration beyond the classroom and make a regular practice of contact within our city. Formed bonds with people from neighboring countries like Argentina and Colombia and strengthened the link between locals and Porteños. It is time to create continuity, the meeting is a milestone, but the work of all is to stay in time, creating jams, organize meetings, contact teachers, taking lessons from them "students", write and reflect on IQ or any derivation, keeping in touch and create instances of collective growth. In the contact and the life is strength.
This invitation is open to everyone of us involved in this fellowship and of course who wishes to join, contact is an opportunity to live the here and now, listen, attend, accompany, guide, be flexible eliminate expectations, melt the ego, dialogue, body and word, to be honest, real, concrete, set limits, to push the boundaries and pass, be aware of, respect, caring, giving and receiving, receive, accept, release, intuition, trust and building community, being one with others and be one in itself.
Rocío Belmar, January 2008.
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